Lip Blushing Healing Process & Aftercare
Immediately following the procedure:
1) I will give you a lip moisturizer to use for 7 days. Only use this on your lips and gently apply with a clean q-tip a very light layer as needed for 7 days to help moisturize. Only a very thin layer is needed to allow the lip skin to breathe.
2) Use a damp tissue to gently dab your lips to remove any lymph fluid every hour for 5 hours after the appointment. Only do this for the first day. This is a very important step because if this mostly clear, yellowish fluid is not removed, it can cause scabbing, and more scabbing means less retention of the pigment. Don't be alarmed if a little pigment comes off onto the tissue. That is from the lymph fluid and completely normal.
3) I will provide you with lip cold pack to apply ice to your lips off and on to help relieve swelling.
4) If your lips are really sore or swollen, you can take a pain reliever or anti-inflammatory medication like Advil or a more natural alternative like arnica pills.
Within 21 days, lips go through 3 phases:
1st phase "looks too dark": About 3 days with chapping (day 1-3)
2nd phase "looks too light": Frosty and “loss of color” (days 4-13)
3rd phase "looks just right": Blooming (days 14-21)
Just relax and be patient. It's a process!
Day 1: Swelling, tender, heavy thick lipstick with a reddish brick color
Day 2: Slight swelling, reddish and tender with a slightly metallic flavor
Day 3: Less swelling, thicker texture, sore, hot feeling with an orange color effect
Day 4: Exfoliation/Peeling begins causing very chapped lips
Day 5: Very chapped lips but almost finished with first chapping stage
Day 6: A soft, rich color begins to appear
Day 7-13: Lip color disappears and the “frosty” stage begins as a white-ish, lighter haze on the lips
Day 14: Color slowly and gradually develops from within each day until day 21 or about 3 weeks post-procedure
Day 21: Healing is complete. The true color is revealed as you see it. Your lips will remain a bit dry for 1-2 months. Use a good quality lip balm and they will return to normal with full color.
Important Rules During Healing and Aftercare:
Avoid touching lips with fingers
Change your face masks frequently
Avoid toothpaste on lips and use gentle dental care during the healing process
Blot with a tissue, don’t rub during healing
Drink through a straws provided until peeling is complete
To avoid infection, do not kiss until scabs have completely come off
No conventional lipstick be worn during the healing process or any petroleum products
Gently apply with a clean q-tip a very light layer of aftercare gel several times a day during the healing process to help moisturize. A very thin layer is used to allow the lip skin to breathe.
Use a clean, dark pillowcase to prevent possible ink stain and try to sleep on your back as much as possible
Be careful when putting on or taking off clothes over the head
Use medication if necessary for cold sores
Do not pick or peel your lip skin
Stay out of direct sun exposure. Once healed, use a chapstick with SPF to help prevent loss of color
No soaps or alpha hydroxy’s until fully healed
Do not evaluate lip results until 21 days after the procedure
The color of the lips you leave the appointment with is not your final color (It can fade up to 40-50%)
The final color will be soft and natural
Perfecting/follow-up touch-up appointment should take place 6-8 weeks following the initial lip procedure
Long Term Care:
Use a good quality lip balm with sunscreen on your lips daily (sunscreens with zinc or titanium dioxide as the first ingredients)
Please inform your technician and/or care provider of your permanent cosmetics with any future MRI scans, chemical peels, or laser procedures
Use of Retin A/Retinol/Tretinoin, chemical, acid peels, or any rapid skin exfoliation products used on or around the lip area will cause the permanent makeup of the lip area to fade prematurely
Any makeup directly on the lips will make the color appear different
Additional Important Information:
Please be aware that the result of the procedure is depending on the following: medications and health conditions, skin conditions such as oily, unhealthy, dry/flaky, loose and/or lax skin, poor diet and not following the aftercare instructions. All of these things can affect your healed results. Antacids, thyroid, and anxiety medications have been reported as interfering with permanent makeup either by affecting retention or shifting the pigment to an undesirable tone. With that information, an educated client may have better expectations and know that they may need more frequent adjustments than others. The better you take care of your skin and protect it from UV rays, the better the outcome and lifespan of the permanent cosmetic procedures.
**Contact a physician if any signs or symptoms develop such as the following: fever, redness at the site, excessive swelling, excessive tenderness at the site, elevated body temperature, red streaks going for the procedure site towards the heart, and/or green/yellow discharge that is foul in odor.