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Healing Process & Aftercare

While every person is different and some heal more quickly or slowly than others, here’s generally what to expect following your eyebrow procedure:

Please read the info below to know what to expect. 


Day 1 to 2

Day 1 The treated area is approximately 50% darker and 10-15% bolder in size than they will be when healed. Expect light to moderate swelling and redness. The skin's redness causes the color of the pigment to appear darker. As the area heals and top layer of skin flakes off, new skin will heal over the pigmented area and result in a softer appearance. If you are getting eyebrow microblading/shading, don’t be concerned that your eyebrows initially appear darker and heaver in size than you desire. This is all part of the process. 


Day 2 Conditions remain the same, do not worry! Trust the process.


Day 3-7

Day 3 Eyebrows start to itch and may seem thicker in texture.

Day 4 The skin begins to flake, peeling from the outside edges first. Please DO NOT pick at the scabs.

Day 5 and 6 Color finishes flaking off and appears softer.

Day 7 The color has lightened from its overly-dark appearance. For the next few days, the color may now be lighter than what the final color will be.


Day 8-30

Day 8-10 The final color begins to stabilize and show through

Day 11-30 Pigment can disappear and reappear after two weeks so please be patient with final results after 1 month

Day 30 Please book your follow-up appointment for your touch-up session. After your touch-up, the healing process is the same. The final results will show after your touch-up session! 

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